Lauren Jones

Picture of WINS Mentor Lauren Jones

WINS Mentor

Full name: Lauren Jones

Major: Neuroscience

Preferred Pronouns: She/Her/Hers 

Hometown: Fort Worth, TX

1. What is your favorite activity to do in Austin?  Paddle Boarding on Lady Bird

2. What is one meal in Austin that everyone absolutely has to try at least once in their lives? 

One meal that everyone has to try in Austin: the sushi at Raku

3. Where is your favorite place to study?  Favorite Place to Study: FAC or the Tower

4. What is your favorite way to de-stress? Favorite Way to destress: hanging with friends

 5. One piece of advice for incoming freshmen:  One piece of advice I would give to incoming freshman: don’t be scared to try new things and explore who you are as a individual