Priyanka Warrier

Picture of WINS Mentor Priyanka

WINS Mentor

Full Name: Priyanka Warrier

Major: Biochemistry

Preferred Pronouns: she/her

Hometown: Dallas, TX

1. What is your favorite activity to do in Austin?  I love trying all the different coffee shops throughout Austin. Some of my favorites are Bennu and Two Hands. 

2. What is one meal in Austin that everyone absolutely has to try at least once in their lives? 

Homeslice Pizza has really great pizza and both delicious vegetarian and non-vegetarian options!

3. Where is your favorite place to study?  Littlefield Cafe or the 5th/6th floor of the NHB are great places to study. Also, the NHB has a fridge and microwave on every floor.

4. What is your favorite way to de-stress? I usually destress by having a self-care night, which might include putting a face mask on or watching a comfort movie.

 5. One piece of advice for incoming freshmen:  Use the resources that UT provides, like the Counseling and Mental Health Center, or the Sanger Learning Center. They are free and can be really helpful when you need them.